John Miller

Sales Associate
My name is John Miller. I acquired my sales associate license and have had the enjoyment of listing and selling properties since 2018.
I became a sales associate because when we made the decision to move back to Stuart, Nebraska I wanted to do something where I could help people. I was offered that opportunity by Stracke Land & Realty to become a sales associate and assist people in finding them a home, land, or business. Just like with teaching and coaching, I get to work with and help people, just in a different capacity. I enjoy what I do, and I look forward to helping you with all your real estate needs!
I worked in the education profession for 37 years teaching and coaching. My wife, Sandy, and I were living in Lincoln when we decided to move back to Stuart, Nebraska. Since moving back, Sandy teaches and coaches at Stuart Public School, and I work for Stracke Land & realty while helping coach various athletic programs at the school. Spending over 31 years living and teaching in Chambers has provided us with so many great memories of this area and we have a lot of respect for the people that live here and in the surrounding areas.